Saturday, December 5, 2009

Blessing Of The Detour

I want to start off with two scriptures of wisdom that to apply to what I'm about to tell you.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.
Acknowledge him in all your ways and he will make your paths straight.

Psalm 37:23,24 (NIV)
If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall,for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

We all have dreams and goals and see ourselves successful. Sometimes we have plans to get to a certain destination or career goal but then something happens. A lot of times disappointments, detours, and obstacles come along the way. It can be very discouraging when you have to take a detour for the simple fact that we all have a set time or age when we think we should arrive at our destination or be living our dreams.

Some detours can be avoided and some of them are a part of our learning process. A lot of times the detour itself has nothing to do with you but there is a lesson for you to learn in the journey. That lesson is trusting God in all things and saying yes to His will.

If everything always happened the way we wrote it out, why would we need God? If everything went our way, there would be no need to seek God and there would be no need to pray. It is in the obstacles, detours, heartaches, and disappointments that we get closer to our God. If truth be told, a lot of us seek him more when we're going through storms.

As we mature and our eyes are truly opened to God's love, we learn to praise and worship him through the good and the bad times. This is when we have a better understanding of "Not my will, but yours be done."

Will you say yes to His will or will you sit at the detour sign? And instead of going the alternate route the sign says to go, you sit in stubbornness at the construction site and wait for this road to get fixed just so you can have your way.
My friend, say yes to God's will.

I encourage you to look at the bright side of your journey. You'll gain more knowledge, wisdom, and patience. And the great thing about it is that "YOUR BLESSING AIN'T GOING NOWHERE!" It'll be right there when you arrive. God knows the best route to get you where you need to be. I guarantee that if you follow the signs which represent His word and direction, you'll get there much faster than if you go "your way."

God Bless,

Shei Atkins

Sunday, November 8, 2009

God The Healer

As I reflect on everything I've been through in my life all I can say is Thank You God. I grew up in a home witnessing physical and verbal abuse. Not only that, I've been molested by close family and even friends of the family. I've been betrayed by the closest of friends, and the list goes on.

I believe these experiences have molded me into a introvert who knows how to be an extrovert at the right If it wasn't for my relationship with God honestly I would be lost. He called me as a teenager. He knew that it was gonna take HIM and Him alone to heal me of the things to come and from my past.

I want to let you know that God is a healer. He can take the most broken heart and heal it. There is nothing that God can't heal. But there is something you must do.
Matthew 11:28-30 says:
If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest.
Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.

I encourage you to let go of whatever it is that has scarred you. Don't carry this thing over into 2010. The question isn't can God heal me. The question is will you give HIM your pain. Will you give him your hurt? He will comfort you and he will give you a fresh start. Give him your insecurities and fears that came from the experiences you've been through. He's waiting on you to cast your cares on him. He will give you beauty for ashes. He will give you joy like you've never experienced. NOW is the time to let it go. Give it to Jesus once and for all. God is a HEALER, all you have to do is acknowledge it and walk in it.

God thank you for healing me of every wound that has been created through betrayals, molestation, rape, neglect, abandonment, lies, physical abuse, verbal abuse, and manipulation. God I've carried this thing with me long enough. You said I can cast my cares on you and you will give me rest. God I receive your rest. I receive your healing. I receive your Holy Spirit whom you said would comfort me. Thank you God for keeping me throughout this letting go process. Lord, use ever scar for your glory. Use my misery for my ministry. I pray that many people will be blessed through my victory in you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Letting Go of Spirit Killers Through Prayer and Applying God's Word

A parasite is an organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. This year is the year of letting go. I'll be constantly adverting back to this statement. I wanna briefly talk about personal parasites. These are things that we have allowed to attach itself to our lives but don't mean us any good. This is the part of us that wants what God doesn't want. We are in a war against our spirit man and our fleshly nature. I wanna name a few parasites. Let's see if we can identify at least one of the following parasites in our life.

A few parasites:Sexual Unfaithfulness, not being pure, taking part in sexual sin, worshiping other gods, witchcraft, hatred, making trouble, jealousy, anger, selfishness, causing division, lust, seducing spirits, making people angry with each other, envy, drunkeness, having wild and wasteful parties, gossip, and doing other things like these. You can never get rid of your parasites until you hate having them. As long as you love your "parasites" we'll continually allow them to sap us spiritually while we receive no spiritual benefit from it.....only fleshly benefit which won't last and leads to spiritual death.

It is very important that we work on killing these parasites one by one. The only way we can do this is to apply Romans 12 into our life.It says: "I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to God. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship. Do not change yourselves to be like the people of the world, but be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect." (We can't make the right decisions with the old mind. Our judgment is off)

Our challenge for today is to let go of our will and surrender our day to God. Surrender and "Let Go" of one of your spirit killers today and make a choice and desire to please God as soon as you read this blog. Part of the challenge is to also sacrifice something that we regularly put before God and give God that time by praying and getting in His word. You don't have to read the whole bible. Just something that applies to your "parasite" and will build you up spiritually. For example, if you struggle with unforgiveness, find a scripture that deals with that subject. Read the scripture or story, get it in your spirit, and then pray about your unforgivness and give it to Jesus. You must sacrifice some of your TV time, internet time, telephone time, or whatever you put before God. (20 minutes or longer)

Today's challenge is an important step in the letting go process and it should be done daily. We're letting go together......taking it one step and one day at a time. Let's do it you'll. Talk to me and share your comments on how your life is changing in the letting go process.

Can't wait to hear from you,


There Is A Time For Everything

My focus right now is all about Letting Go. Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 talks about there being a time for everything. I want to focus on Ecc 3:6. It says that there is a time to keep things and a time to throw things away.

Letting Go is all about throwing things away. What do you need to get rid of physically, emotionally and mentally? In order to reach our fullest potential we need to detox ourselves of everything that's holding us back. I wish we could just make all the bad things about ourselves go away in one magic moment but we can't. This is a process you'll. For you it might be negative thoughts, for another anger, bitterness, hurt, pain, procrastination, etc. But this is not the end all tell all! This is the beginning of a new and changed us!

You know your situation and I know mine. I want to challenge you everyday to do something different in your life that will help you become a better person. Make a choice for the better that you normally wouldn't make.

The challenge for today is to replace every negative and unhealthy thought that comes into your mind with a positive thought that is opposite of the negative one. For example if a thought comes into your mind that says "I can't forgive (you fill in the name) for what they did to me!) Replace it with "I forgive (you fill in the name) for what they did to me." Whatever your negative thought is, use the same principle. You will have such a positive energy around you and you'll have such a peace of mind. Tell me how replacing your negative thoughts with positive thoughts has helped you! I look forward to hearing your story.

Be encouraged everyone and remember "We're letting go together!"


Don't Look Out The Window

I felt led to talk to you about fear vs faith. You know I have to start off with Hebrews 11:1. It says "Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it."That version was taken from the New Century Bible.Faith is trusting God even when we can't see how and when "it" will happen. I have an acronym for fear.

Let me tell you something, if you believe it, it will God's timing though. But you have to trust God. The bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God. The word is our foundation. It is the only thing that millions of people can stand on at the same time and will never break or give out on us. It's solid, it's real and it's our life. God told me to tell YOU that all things are possible to those who believe!

No matter what your situation is, no matter the sickness, no matter how much it's gonna cost, no matter how long you've been waiting, no matter how much you are hurting inside, and no matter how far gone you feel a family member is, and no matter how bad your credit is, God can and will fix your situation if you BELIEVE IT.

Let me share a story with you to show you how faith and praise will work for you.In high school during my 11th and 12th grade year I was in COOP.....where you go to school half a day and work for half a day. I had my first car at 16 and that's what I was driving to and from work. Well, I remember one day my car was trippin and I had no way to work. I called everyone I could think of who I felt could take me to work. I had to get there cuz I had already been messing up at work and only had a few more times to mess up or I was outta there.LOL Come on.....You know how it is when you're younger.

So I called my aunt who lived down the street. I just knew she could take me cuz she was retired, always at home and was always there for the family if they needed something. I called her and to my surprise, even she couldn't do take me to work. She said another car that wasn't working was parked behind her car so there was nothing she could do. I was outta options. So let me tell you what I did. You might think this is funny but it moved the hand of God.

At 17 yrs old I started praying and just praising and thanking God for a way to work. I didn't know how I was gonna get there or who was gonna take me but I BELIEVED that God will make a way. I kept saying thank you Lord for making a way for me. I know I messed up at work but I can't afford to mess up anymore. Thank you Lord that It's already done. I trust you. I was standing in my living room and every now and then I would get a little fearful and look out the window to see if someone, anyone would just pull up in the driveway to come get me. I got my mind together, pushed the fear aside, stopped looking out the window and started back praising.

Here's where the blessing came. After about 30 minutes of praising and trusting God, I received a phone call from my aunt. She said that she was messing up her flower bed and driving over her good plants trying to squeeze her car from out of the driveway so she could take me to work. Remember, the other car that didn't work was behind her car and she said she couldn't take me. The key point is that all that time while I was praising and thanking God, not knowing how he was gonna move (just knowing that he would), God had my aunt squeezing her car out of the driveway and even driving over her good plants for me so I could get to work.

So listen, it doesn't matter how big or small you think your situation is, trust God and put a praise on yur lips to remind you of who God is. Don't worry about how long it will take, how it will happen, and when it will happen. Just know that it will happen. And don't look out the window because it produces fear. And while you're praising and trusting him, either he is moving or has someone moving for you in your situation that you don't know anything about! Looking out the window represents being moved by what you see instead of walking by faith. So be encouraged today. Nothing is impossible with God.

Your challenge for today is to let go of any kind of worries or fears you have concerning your situation. Go through this day in praise knowing that God is moving for you. Don't try to figure it out. Just trust God.

Love you guys and remember, "We're letting go together!"
