Jeremiah 29:11 says: "I know what I have planned for you", says the Lord. "I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you a hope and a future. Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will search for me. And when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me! I will let you find me," says the Lod. "And I will bring you back from your captivity."
I talk to a lot of people and they don't even know why they were put here on this earth. What happens is you end up making a living off of something you're not really happy doing and you end up settling. You're just doing it because you don't know what else to do. Based on Jeremiah 29:11, you have to seek God for your assignment and develop a relationship with him. Because of this close relationship you'll know his voice and he'll reveal more and more of your assignment.
Now if you are reading this blog and are at a point where you have NO clue of what God has called you to do and really want to know, I'm gonna give you a few clues to your assignment. I'll reveal a little more each blog.
A few things you need to know before you know your assignment:
1. Everything God Created Was Created To Solve A Problem Including You
Mechanics solve car problems
Dentists solve tooth problems
Lawyers solve legal problems
Mothers solve emotional problems
Accountants solve tax problems
2. You Are A Reward To Someone
(Somebody needs what you have been geen by God. Somebody is hungry and thirsty for your presence. Somebody will starve without you entering their life. Someone is literally dying emotionally,mentally, or spiritually, waiting for you to come along and rescue them. Somebody has been lying awake at night praying that God would send you into their life.
3. Your Assignment Is Not Your Decision But Your Discovery
You must have the mind of Christ to discern your assignment (1 Cor 2:16)
God has a plan for your life. His plan for your life will require your obedience and a personal decision on your part to cooperate. God decides what He desires for you to do. You decide your obedience. Predestination is the intention of God, not the decision of God. That means his will is not automatic foryou life. You have to do something.
4. What You Hate Is A Clue To Your Assignment
Anger is energy, power, and ability. Have you ever wondered why others were not angry about situations that infuriated you? Of course you have. This is a clue to your assignment. You cannot really change or correct something unless you have a God-given hatred for it, whether it is sickness, injustice, racial prejudice, poverty, divorce or abortion. What do you hate?
Moses Hated Slavery. When he saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite, fury arose. Why? Because he was a deliverer.
Rememer these 3 Wisdom Keys:
A. You cannot correct what you are unwilling to confront.
B. What you permit will always continue
C. Behavior permitted is behavior perpetuated or allowed to be continued
Next blog I'll reveal more clues to help you realize your God given assignment......
Shei Atkins
(Taken from Mike Murdock's "The Assignment"