I've learned that God is always in the mist of our storms even if we don't see Him, feel Him or hear Him. The best illustration of this is the story of a man who had 3 children, his house caught on fire and he ran out with his wife and two of the children, the third child was upstairs. The father called to the son to jump into his arms, but the smoke was so thick that the son said, "I can't see you daddy!" but the father said to the son, " But I can see you Son!" jump and I will catch you. Sometimes during the storm we can't see God, but He always sees us and is waiting for us to jump into His arms.
I learned the days I took the time to spend in God's presence and in His Word were that best days and that PRAYER WORKS!
I learned that a lot of things I got angry and upset about really didn't matter. In the storm the little things stay the little things. I ask myself, "In five years, will this matter?"
I learned what true humility is and I work daily to keep any kind of pride out of my life...not always easy...
I learned to love unconditionally, be less judgemental and critical.
I learned to love people just as they are.
I learned to be grateful and thankful for the little and simple things in life. A smile, a hug, a caring e-mail, an unexpected card in the mail, a child's laugh, a good laugh, a butterfly, just knowing you have family and friends that love and care about you and of course a cup of rasberry tea and some gummi bears will work. :)
I learned that God really doesn't give us more than we can handle, it just feels like it at the time.
I learned that I am stronger than I thought.
I learned life isn't always fair, but God is always Good.
I learned life is too short to waste time being angry at anyone.
I learned to have a good sense of humor even when there was nothing to laugh about.
I learned not to take myself too seriously.
I learned I don't have to win every argument.
I learned not to compare my life to others because I really don't know what they are really going through.
I learned no one is in charge of my happiness but me.
I learned that what I want isn't always best at the time and to surrender it to God...because He knows what's best.
I learned to speak up for myself when needed because some storms could have been prevented had I said something..like NO...lol
I learned to forgive everyone of everything
I learned to treasure every family member and friend in my life and to ask them for prayer support and help when I needed it.
I learned that negative thoughts, people and attitudes could not be part of my life.
I learned to help others in their storm during my storm.
Take some time to reflect on what you learned from past storms and what God is trying to teach you during your present storm. Remember to always be grateful and don't take for granted how blessed you are. You have it better than you think you do. Somewhere, someone is praying for what you have. Thanks for reading. :)
Thank you for this, it has spoken to me and my situation. God bless
ReplyDeleteThank you, also, for this. Right on time for my current situation.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this! I truly needed it at this point.